People are familiar with our organic foods because we  manufacture and distribute everything from snacks, to beverages, to bulk foods. But if you visit our......
Category: Food Matters
Want to know what really happens behind the scenes of an organic food business? With 20 years of experience under our belts, seeing the foodscape......
After a long day as you’re about gobble down your dinner, do you ever pause and wonder how it got there? Just what resources and......
Photo courtesy of Kevin Ma and Pakpong Chirarattananon
Robo insects. 3D printed meals. Space veggies. Test tube meats. These sound more like the bizarre makings of a Dr. Who episode rather than food......
Category: Food Matters
Butter is BAD for you. Eat margarine. No, butter is GOOD for you. Margarine is the devil! Dietary claims sometimes seem more like fads than......
Welcome to the Left Coast Naturals blog! Our passion for organic, healthy, sustainable foods started with two friends selling nut butters out of their car trunk...

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