We’re Climate Smart Certified for 2018

Posted on 01/31/2018 by Left Coast

Yassss—we’re Climate Smart certified again! Overall, our carbon emissions decreased by 11.5% metric tonnes of CO2 across categories such as electricity, staff commuting, transporting goods, and more.

The Ups and Downs

We did increase in categories such as paper consumption, staff commuting, and air travel, but according to Climate Smart analysis, it is likely due to business growth. Even with more production activity, our electricity use remained about the same as 2013. We had a great year, so thanks for supporting us!


We were really proud to decrease our road transportation of goods by nearly 20% from last year, and that’s due to efforts used to reduce and make 3rd party shipping more efficient. Along with a 17% reduction in garbage from last year. Because of increased business activity, we’re learning along the way of how to streamline our processes to make them more efficient.

2017 Eco Activities

  • Conducted a waste audit and created a plan to increase diversion
  • Staff training on Eco Driving Tips conducted by GreenWorkplace.ca (read the blog post)

The Strategy Ahead

At Left Coast, we never stop trying ways of reducing our carbon footprint. Here are some things we’re working on in 2018:

  • Increase % of incoming shipping of goods from truck to rail
  • Reduce weight of shipments by exploring alternatives to wood pallet
  • Revise travel policy for air travel carbon offsets and car rental policy while traveling
  • Revise car allowances to incentivize sales staff to buy more eco-efficient cars

Get Climate Smart

Do you own a business too? Climate Smart has helped over 850 business get certified, and save approximately $397 per tonne of CO2 reduced. Learn more about Climate Smart today.

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