A while back, the University of British Columbia hosted a talk with renowned food journalist Michael Pollan in Vancouver as part of its UBC Connects......
Our Director of Operations, Ali Samei, recently spoke at UBC’s Feeding Growth 5-part workshop series, called Scale Your Progressive Food Business. (Can yo...
Did you know that a few years ago, we cleared our entire catalogue of foods from GMOs? That’s right, as far as we know, we’re......
We’ll be at Veg Expo next weekend! It’s Canada’s premier vegan and vegetarian expo… and brand ambassador Olympian Julia Murray will be t...
A while ago, we sent a few of our snacks to Emily Davies at Wholesome Slice. She’s a holistic nutritionist who runs a plant-based catering......
So… a while back we partnered up with Emily from This Rawsome Vegan Life and she came up with an amazing dessert recipe! It’s all......